
Switching power supply can solve this problem through high frequency switch mode. For high frequency switching power supplies, the AC input voltage can be boosted before entering the transformer (usually 50-60 KHz before boost). With the increase of input voltage, the components of transformer and capacitor will not be as large as linear power supply. This high frequency switching power supply is needed for our personal PC and for devices like VCR recorders. What we need to say is that what we often call "switching power" is actually a short form of "high frequency switching power supply", which has nothing to do with the closing and opening of the power supply itself.
In fact, the power supply terminal user PC uses a more optimized scheme: closed loop system (closed loop system) - responsible for the control of switch tube, get feedback signal from the output of the power supply, then according to the power consumption of PC to increase or decrease the voltage in a certain period of frequency to adapt the power transformer (this method is called PWM Pulse, Width ModulaTIon, pulse width modulation). Therefore, the switching power supply can be adjusted from the power consumption of the power consumption equipment connected with it, so that the transformer and other components can take less energy and reduce the heat.
In contrast to linear power, its design philosophy is power first, even if the load circuit doesn't need a lot of current. The result is that all components work at full capacity even when they are not necessary, resulting in a much higher heat.